
Who Are We?

Founded in 2006, the Association for Youth Empowerment (AYE) is dedicated to challenging and empowering young people to create the Beloved Community. The organization partners with community members and organizations who share a common goal of eliminating social oppression and fostering respect, acceptance and compassion in our families, schools and communities.

AYE is governed by a Board of Directors supported by Executive Assistants. Our activities are carried out by a team of Volunteer Outreach Coordinators led by an Executive Director.


  • Through teamwork to challenge and empower youth to create positive change.
  • To bring to schools and communities transformational workshops and other programs that tear down the walls of separation.
  • To provide youth, teachers, families and communities with tools to develop and sustain proactive solutions that address and prevent isolation, violence and other manifestations of social oppression.
  • To inspire young people to live in a world of respect, acceptance and compassion.
  • To have children experience being known, loved and celebrated for who they already are.
  • To reflect the principles of our programs in the way we run our organization


  • To sponsor and support youth empowerment programs, such as Challenge Day, in schools, communities and other organizations
  • To make schools and communities aware of available programs and their benefit
  • To support schools in doing these programs so they have a big impact and are set up for sustainability by becoming part of the way the schools run

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